
Lexan Metal


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Lexan Metal Label

What is Lexan Metal Label? Lexan Label Prices? How to Make a Lexan Label? What are Lexan Label Models?

Due to the fact that the panel with important details for the product is on the back side, pvc label types that make it protected against all kinds of deformation are provided with a structure that does not fall and break off by showing resistance to all kinds of conditions thanks to special adhesives that do not have a self-adhesive structure. Pvc lexan label models, which are of a wide range of applications, are the products with the most market power with their features that can be applied to all kinds of areas.

Lexan label is a label printed on PVC. Since the printing is between the material and the adhesive, there is no chance of print removal on all kinds of wiping and it is very long-lasting. It is usually used in the electronics sector, machines (the label is not affected by the temperature of the machine), ovens, etc.

Lexan label Special printing technique is applied to special PVC material. Work can be done in the desired color and shape. Since the print is between the material and the adhesive, that is to say, PVC is located on the outward-facing part, there is no chance of print coming out in any wiping process. In this way, a long-lasting and useful product comes out. Although it is generally used in the electronics industry, it can be used in all kinds of fields.

The most important feature of Lexan Labels with a thickness of 0.15 mm to 1.5 mm is that the printing and painting cannot be scraped and removed from the front side because the printing is on the back surface.

Lexan labels are not self-adhesive. Therefore, the label is completed by coating the adhesive on the back after printing. The grip strength of the adhesive is very high. The area of use is very wide. It can resist to a temperature of 100 C. It is not affected by water and weather conditions.