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Graphic Design

What is Graphic Design?

Graphic design is a creative process that involves organizing text and visuals in a perceptible and visible plane, two-dimensional or three-dimensional, to convey a message, develop a visual or visualize a thought. It can be applied in a digital or non-digital way in many environments such as printing, screen, motion picture, animation, interior architecture, packaging design. In graphic design and graphic arts, the basic principles of visual arts are alignment, balance, contrast, emphasis, motion, image, ratio, proximity, repetition, rhythm, and unity.

Graphic Designer corresponds to the word Graphic Designer in German and Graphic Designer corresponds to the word Graphic Designer in English and has the same meaning. In order to have the title of Grapher or Graphic Designer, it is necessary to undergo training.

Graphic design competitions held on the internet both encourage users to this art and reward their work.


Graphic Design Service